Isolation Body Protective Gown

Isolation body protective suits are used to protect the wearer from the spread of infection or illness if the wearer encounters potentially infectious liquid or solid material. Additionally it is used to prevent the gown wearer from transferring microorganisms spread by contact, droplets or aerosols that could harm vulnerable patients, such as those with weakened immune systems. It is a part of an overall infection-control strategy.

Difference between gowns and coveralls?

Gowns are effortless to don and doff, which assists in training the correct use of the gown. Healthcare workers and the general public are more aware of the procedure of wearing this gown.

Coveralls provide 360 degree protection including back, lower legs, head and feet. Surgical/isolation gowns do not provide continuous whole-body protection as it has an opening in the back and typically provide coverage to mid-calf only.

The level of heat stress generated due to the added layer of clothing is also expected to be less for gowns when compared to coveralls due to several factors, such as the opening in the design of gowns and total area covered by the fabric.

What type of gown is recommended for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?

Non-sterile, disposable patient isolation gowns, which is used for routine patient care in healthcare settings, are appropriate for use by patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to prevent any microorganisms spread by contact, droplets or aerosols.

Relevant Industries:


  • Certified International
  • GB Standard
  • ISO Standard
  • ISO Standard – Type 3B/4B/5B/6B
  • FDA Listed
  • EN14126
  • EN14605
  • EN14605
  • EN114126